Thursday, September 24, 2009


Recently work has been absolutely excruciating. I have been working on the same project for the past few weeks, nonstop. This includes all of this week so far, and at this rate I will be working on this project for the remainder of my last month here at this job. Unfortunately, I have to work on this project all by myself, no one can help me. My co-workers are busy with similar projects of their own, forcing me to go solo. I start on the project as soon as I clock in, work on it all day long, and after 8 very long and droning hours I stop to clock out and go home, knowing full well that the next day will not be any different. The project is titled Doing Nothing.

That's right, ever since 90% of the staff that worked in my building was laid off at the beginning of September, there's not much for me to do anymore. At the beginning of the month all the agents, team leads, most of the managers, and a handful of others were let go, leaving me and few others to soldier on in this big and empty building. Most of my work was transitioned to Caremark just prior to the mass departure of all those employees, leaving me without a shred of responsibility. Being an hourly employee, my work day mainly consists of clocking in and clocking out each day, with an 8 hour gap in between the two.

Fear of someone from work reading this deters me from divulging what I actually do do at work all day. Rest assured, I'm not doing anything illegal or detrimental to the company. But, from an outsider's point of view I'm sure my activities would look extremely unproductive. Do I feel guilty about that? No. I mean, what do they expect me to do? Sit and stare at my Outlook for 8 hours? Since I have nothing productive to do my only option is to do something unproductive.

Now, if I were to tell you what I do here at work, you'd probably be jealous and think it's cool that I get to do that at work and get paid for it all the same. Don't be. I'm sure we all have things we like to do and I'm also equally sure that we would lose interest in those things after a few hours, let alone 8. Trust me, I know. To get through the day I normally need to find four or five things that I enjoy doing and keep moving from one to the next every hour and a half or so until it's time to clock out and go home. One day down, twenty six more to go.

For those who are interested you'll be happy to hear that I have found a new job. I will doing the same type of work I am doing now (or was doing, whatever) and I was lucky enough to be offered a salary a decent amount higher than what I'm making now. So despite all the bitterness this story in fact does have a happy ending. Feel free to contact me if you'd like to know more about my new job. I start November 2nd, which I'm excited about. But I don't think I have to tell you that November seems very, very far away...