Monday, December 29, 2008

Movie Review: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

We decided to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button over the weekend, it was chosen over Seven Pounds and Yes Man, both of which I would have rather went and saw. In fact, if it weren't for my wife's interest in TCCOBB I probably never would have saw it.

The plot of the movie is basically and old woman on her deathbed who recounts the life of a man she fell in love with who grew younger instead of older. The story is read by the woman's daughter at her bedside via the man's diary, somewhat like the movie Big Fish. The movie is a drama with a little bit of comedy laced in. It definitely had a Forrest Gumpy feel to it. If you enjoyed either Big Fish or Forrest Gump you'd probably like this movie.

Honestly, I cannot fault this movie in any way. Acting: Spot on. Music: Spot on. Cinematography: Spot on. Script: Spot on. Special Effects: Spot on (20 year old Brad Pitt was just as believable as 80 year old Brad Pitt). Seriously, the movie is good. The idea is unique and done so well. The characters are memorable and the parts that are intended to be funny... are funny.

Now for my gripes. Firstly, the movie is long, approximately 9,540 seconds. Now, it doesn't drag mind you, but I don't know about other people but sitting in those movie theatre seats for too long is a pain in the butt, literally. So, do whatever you can to make sure you're comfortable and prepared for the long haul because as long as the movie is, you still don't want to miss any of it. Also I was bothered by the person behind me kicking my seat and once in a while the A/C in the theatre would blow at just the right angle to get a whiff of the old people stink emanating from the couple in front of us taking advantage of their senior citizen discount.

I'd give this movie a 7 or an 8 if I was just rating the movie for myself because it's not really my type of movie. I prefer more action and/or more comedy in my movies but that's just me. The rating I'm going to give this movie is not based on my preferences but based on the strengths of the movie itself.

Did I ever tell you I've been struck by lightning seven times?


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