Monday, November 3, 2008

Creepy Guy

First of all, my bad for not blogging for so long. I'm a horrible blogger, and I have let you all down. For shame.

Now that that's out of the way, let's get to my story. I went to Albertson's the other day to pick up my wife's prescription and do some grocery shopping. Since perishables were on my list, I decided to head to the pharmacy first.

So I went to the drop off place and they told me the Rx was ready I just needed to pick it up and the pick up place. There were about 4 people in the line to pick up prescriptions, so I found my place at the end of it.

Shortly afterwards I felt someone take their place behind me in line. "Have you been here long?". I replied that I just barely got here. "Yeah, I'm just picking up my pill that helps me lose weight. It's great." I'm thinking, ok dude I didn't ask for your life story. "Yeah, before I was on this pill I had a serious weight problem, do you have that same challenge?"


Ok, now bear in mind I hadn't looked at or even offered up anything to advance this one sided conversation, so I don't know what propelled this guy to up and call me fat. So I finally turn and look at the guy. Now, I'm well aware that I have packed on some poundage in the past years so I sympathize with pleasantly plump personnel because I know how easy it is to put it on and how hard it is to take it off. I'm not gonna go easy on this guy because you gotta be some kinda douche to call a stranger out like that in public. If this guy used to have a weight problem it must of been pretty freaking serious cuz I'd say he still has a pretty bad problem. His man boobies jutted out as though he was wearing one of those crazy Madonna cone bras underneath.

He started counselling me on how my "problem" may not by my fault. I told him I was pretty sure it was my fault because I happen to like fast food and don't get enough exercise. After this conversation we moved on to business. This guy was starting to scare me. He could not sense my disintersted aura and silent prayers for him to shut up and leave me alone. He kept talking to me about business management and how employees are liabilities. After everything he said he would follow up with "You understand what I'm saying?". Soon I was just waiting for him to pull out a knife and stab me.

Finally it was my turn to pick up my prescription. This pleased me because there is a line you're supposed to stay behind to protect patient confidentiality. This line did not phase Creepy Guy. He crossed the threshold without hesitation and continued his mundane ramblings. Still, I felt a little better. In the presence of a pharamacist, protected by 3 feet of counter, the chance of a flash stabbing might have decreased a little.

Luckily for me, Creepy Guy transitioned away from me and started talking with the pharmacist. I finalized my transaction and got the eff outta there. I still had to buy groceries. I kept one eye out for Creepy Guy the whole time, prepared to abandon my shopping cart full of unpurchased groceries had he decided to track me down and retreat home quasi-victorious with the medication. Luckily I didn't see him again. Does Cassie go through an episode like this every time she goes shopping?


Nicholas Fielding said...

You TOTALLY should have taken a picture of him with your camera phone.

Nicholas Fielding said...

Perhaps it was a future version of you, coming to warn you about what you would become! ;)