Wednesday, December 3, 2008

So Tired...

So I have been working nights at a pharmacy the past 3+ weeks. I leave straight from my regular job and work 4 hours at the pharmacy on top of the 8 I worked already. My days are long. I leave home around 9 in the morning and don't get home till 9:30 PM. This schedule has left me quite drained during the week. Sometimes I go to bed when I get home because I'm completely exhausted. Sometimes I stay up, not that I'm not tired it's just the only time I have to do the things I want to do, like watch TV with Cassie, play video games, or surf the internet a litle. I have a very hard time waking up in the morning and an even harder time staying awake throughout the day.

Now you know how much it sucks for me. Here are some things that make it worse...

People that want me to ring up their freaking groceries at the pharmacy register. I didn't go to school for a year to ring up your effing Malt-O-Meal okay! You'll notice there's a lot of people waiting to pick up their prescriptions and they're probably just as pissed as I am yet you somehow are inconceivably unaware of the plague that you are to society.

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