Sunday, May 10, 2009

Cruise - Day 1

So for those who don't know, we just got back from a cruise to Alaska. The cruise left from Vancouver on Saturday May 2nd and ended in Seattle on Saturday May 9th. Since I can't sum up the entire cruise in one blog I'll be breaking down the days and doing a separate blog for each.

First of all, for everyone that hasn't been on a cruise I highly recommend it. It may be a little more expensive than a weekend trip to Vegas but it is definitely worth every penny. Let me go on about how awesome cruises are for just a little bit. You get to see the world on a big floating hotel, and you will never be hungry. Your cruise costs basically cover all your food and board. You get a very small room to stay in for the trip, not that it matters because you don't spend a lot of time in it anyway. You get ALL THE FOOD YOU CAN EAT. There are round the clock buffets, cafes, and grills where you can get food any time. Each night for dinner you go to the dining room and it resembles a restaurant. You will be waited on, and there are new things on the menu each day, with a few comfort items that are available every day. How many times have you gone to a restaurant and either didn't get an appetizer or a dessert because of the price? On a cruise you will get an appetizer, entree, and dessert EVERY TIME. This is because there are no prices on the menus! It's all covered in your cruise cost and there's no reason to not take advantage.

Ok, so let's talk about the trip. On Friday we took a late flight into Seattle and stayed overnight. The next morning we went back to the airport in order to catch a shuttle all the way into Vancouver. The shuttle goes to Vancouver airport and cost us about $90. Once at Vancouver airport we would need to take another shuttle to the cruise port for $60. As soon as the shuttle left Seattle airport an Asian man on the bus spilled his coffee all over the place. Now, normally this would piss everyone off, but since 90% of the people on the bus were going on the cruise and were in a good mood this man became the most popular person on the bus. He became Coffee Guy, and was the only person that received a nickname. He kept apologizing as he frantically wiped up the coffee but everyone assured him it was ok.

So, luckily for us, since so many people on the bus were going on the cruise our bus driver took us directly to the port instead of the airport. Since this saved me $60 I gave the driver a $20 tip. We got to the port and had to wait in long lines and show our IDs a hundred times but we finally were able to board the ship and go up to our room. It was about 4:00 PM and the ship departed shortly afterward.

Not much is happening on that first day. I think all we did is go to the buffet and get some food. One thing they do, and this is true for probably all cruise lines, is do a safety drill where everyone has to grab their life vests from your room and meet at some part on the ship depending on where your room is located. For us we had to meet in the big show theater and practice putting on our life vests.

So, that's pretty much it for day one. The cruise really began the next day, and I'll cover it in my next blog.

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