Monday, May 11, 2009

Cruise - Day 2

Ok, here we go. The second day of our cruise was Sunday, May 3rd. We were at sea the entire day, which I think is awesome. I'm more comfortable on the ship whereas Cassie prefers to go ashore when we're stopped at a port and spend all day on land. Each morning we went to the buffets for breakfast, because the breakfast buffet was awesome. I usually got croissants, sausage, french toast, milk, and all the bacon I could eat. Yum.

The first activity we went to was a lecture in the cinema about what to see in Ketchikan and Juneau (our first two stops). The lecture was given by "Doc", who was an 80 year old guy that was on his 99th cruise. He was a nice guy and could talk forever, as most senior citizens are capable of. He told us where we should go in Ketchikan and Juneau and also gave us some background and history of the towns.

After the lecture we went out on deck and played a little shuffleboard. I kicked Cassie's butt.

We also watched an ice carving demonstration that day. I was expecting a big block of ice and a chainsaw. Unfortunately there was no chainsaw, but there was a big block of ice. It was really fascinating to see the guy carve it. He used only three tools, which were basically different sized chisels, and all he did was hack away at the ice. He basically thrust the chisel into the block at different angles and ice would just fly everywhere. He made a mermaid in about 15 minutes.

After dinner in the dining room we went to the first of the daily shows in the big on board theater. It was called Music of the Night and was one of I think three performances by the same group of singers/dancers. The performance was good, not great. The singers/dancers were talented, but I didn't know much of the songs that they did and it was hard to get into it. Still entertaining though.

I'm gonna take a moment here to talk about our ship and where a few things are located. First of all, the ship is HUGE, and to help you find places they basically split the ship into thirds: Aft (Back), Mid-ship (Middle), and Forward (Front). Then of course there are decks (floors) and Port and Starboard (Left and Right). Ok, so our room was on deck 9, Fwd. The big theater took up two decks and was located on decks 6 and 7, Fwd. And another venue where a lot of things were going on was Spinnaker Lounge, located on deck 12, Fwd. So as you can see, we were lucky enough to have our room on the same end of the ship where most of the stuff was going on, and our room was right next to the elevators and stairs. Yay for us.

So anyway, right after the show in the theater (decks 6/7, Fwd) we had an activity in Spinnaker Lounge (deck 12, Fwd). Since there were so many people exiting the theater and trying to take the elevator we opted to take the stairs. So we had to tackle 6 flights of stairs from deck 6 to deck 12. We did this almost daily because just about every day there was something at Spinnaker Lounge immediately following a show in the theater.

So the cruise always did a lot of their own versions of game shows, and on this day it was the Newlywed Game. If you wanted to play you submitted your names for drawing. They had a drawing for couples married 0-5 years, 6-20 years, and 21 years and over. We put our names in because I thought it would be fun. We were pissed because the couple chosen for 0-5 years wasn't even married! Those cheaters. Anyway, they chose a couple from each bracket and then a 4th couple who had been married the longest.

First of all, I grew to dislike most of the couples and found myself wondering why they even submitted their names because they were seriously lacking any type of charisma. But anyway, the funniest question in the show was the question "where is the most unusual place you had sex?". One couple did it in a staircase in India, one in a bathroom in a coffee shop next to Walmart, one couple did it on the hood of their truck while visiting a relative, and the final couple... did it in the guest bedroom. The host gave them a hard time for that, which was funny.

Well, that's all for day two, stick around for day three.

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