Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Cruise - Day 3 (Ketchikan)

So day three was Monday May 4th and it started off kinda funny. I received a call from my boss at work. He called around 9:00 AM, which was 6:00 AM where I was. I didn't answer but I thought it might be important so I called him back. Turned out he didn't know or forgot I was on vacation and was wondering if I could bring in a copy of Star Wars to play on the TV in the break room.

So this day was our first port: Ketchikan, Alaska. It is one of two of our destinations that is only accessible via boat or plane as there are no roads in or out of Ketchikan.

So one thing we were told to visit in Ketchikan was Creek Street. Creek Street used to be Ketchikan's main source of brothels and prostitutes. Boo yah! Creek Street is now Ketchikan's main source of tourist shops. But we did get to take a tour of the house of Ketchikan's most famous and favorite prostitute: Dolly.

The story of Dolly is a sad and prosperous one. She ran away from home after multiple molestations by her father had left her unable to have children. In those days if you couldn't have children you were considered quite undesirable and non marriage-worthy. So Dolly took to whoring herself out to the boys in town. Her success allowed her to buy her house where she ran her "business" (the same house that we got to tour) with cold hard cash. Some of the highlights we saw were an old vintage electric vibrator and her shower curtain which was adorned with old silk condoms that were strung together and resembled roses.

After that we walked around Ketchikan, which wasn't a huge town so we didn't need any transportation other than our own feet. We walked to a fish hatchery and bald eagle preserve. For the two of us the tour would have been $20. So we agreed but when I handed over my debit card we were informed their card machine was broken. I only had $15 cash. They asked if we worked on the boat or were in the military because if we were we'd be eligible for a discount. After I said no they suggested running across the street and getting some cash from the ATM. How about a $5 sorry-our-card-machine-is-broken discount ya jerks!? Yeah, we didn't go back.

Back on the ship later on we went to another one of Norwegian Cruise Line's own version of Family Feud: Friendly Feud. It was okay, just like watching the show I guess.

The big show of the day was Magician Murray. He was a comedy magician and he was awesome. His comedy was better than his magic, but this was one of my most favorite shows of the entire cruise. You can view his opening bit here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foK01dmakeQ&sso=True&client=mv-google&gl=US&hl=en. We saw the exact same thing only there was much more afterwards. And yes, he does talk.

After the show we hiked up the 6 flights of stairs to get to Spinnaker Lounge. Here we saw the China Stars Acrobat Team. These people were amazing. Seriously, I can't even describe the things they could do, but you didn't know when to clap because every time you thought about clapping because what they were doing was amazing... they would take it up to something even more amazing. There were only 4 of them, but I believe that if it was their will, they could have killed every single person on that gigantic ship and then got on their backs and juggled the corpses with their feet.

That's it for it day three.

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